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DeWalt Generators

Official DeWalt generator parts

DeWalt manufactures durable generators in a variety of sizes so you can select the type that fits your needs. DeWalt generators use precision controls that precisely regulate power output. When your DeWalt generator quits working, rely on Sears PartsDirect to have the replacement parts and repair expertise that you need to fix the problem.

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DeWalt DG3000 TYPE 1 generator

What to do when your DeWalt generator's engine won't stay running

  • Check the oil. Most generator engines use a low oil level switch to shut off the engine when it detects low oil level. Add oil to the engine if oil level is low.
  • Fuel system problems often cause the engine to stall, so you'll need to rebuild or replace the carburetor if it won't stay running.
  • Stale gasoline can also cause the engine to stall. Replace the fuel in the gas tank with fresh gasoline.

Tuning up the engine on your DeWalt generator

  • Gather the supplies that you'll need such as oil, drain pan, air filter, spark plug, tools and personal protective equipment.
  • Position the generator on a level surface in a well-ventilated area.
  • Position the oil drain pan under the oil drain plug then remove the oil drain plug to drain the engine's oil. Reinstall the oil drain plug after the oil drains and wipe up any spilled oil. Dispose of the used oil properly. Refill the engine with fresh oil.
  • Replace the air filter and spark plug.
  • Start the engine and let it run for a few minutes then recheck oil level and add oil if needed.