Dishwasher Wire Harness W10861608

Part #W10861608

Online Only Price
$108.65 | 
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Previous part numbers
Part #W10514918
Part #W10380183

Part Information

This wire harness (part number W10861608) is for dishwashers.

Wire harness W10861608 supplies power to electrical components in the dishwasher.

Unplug the dishwasher or turn off the house circuit breaker before installing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.


Well worth the 9 month wait!
October 21, 2021

I waited 9 months and 1 reorder of the part due to COVID delays in the industry. With that being said ... Installation was like brain surgery - tracking and tracing, plugging and unplugging each connection. Be sure to drain any water prior to starting this repair. Disconnect power, then remove the front door cover as well as the dishwasher completely from under the counter. Carefully turn the machine on its side, to trace and install new harness leads at back /under motor. Have a couple of towels handy in case all the water didn't drain from the machine. Best to complete with help and a clear mind.

Mommy c f a, Grand Blanc, Michigan

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