White-Westinghouse Freezer Evaporator Support 297244700

Part #297244700

Online Only Price
$4.74 | 
17% OFF Phone Price : $5.74
In Stock
For ZIP codes near Edit
This item is not returnable
Previous part numbers
Part #7297244700
Part #7216486800
Part #216486800

Part Information

This evaporator support (part number 297244700) is for freezers.

Evaporator support 297244700 helps hold the evaporator in place.

Safely store any food that could deteriorate while the power is off and unplug the freezer before installing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.


wrong item
December 15, 2021

Didn't use. Would not work with my freezer. Could not return as it stated unreturnable, but ordered anyway thinking it would work.

Jeannesn, Bremerton WA

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Ease of Installation
Duration of Installation
30 minutes - 1 hour

Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

Money hungry sales. NEVER AGAIN WILL I SHOP WITH U
April 28, 2020

I clearly described the item as a metal bracket to hold up the grill behind the deep freezer. He was then given the model numbers etc. I even confirmed what the item looked like again before giving him my credit card information. I should have known he was just concerned with money when I had to remind him that it was for my upright freezer & not a refrigerator when he tried to sale me refrigerator filters. Long story short they took over a month to deliver the wrong item. 4 little plastic clips cost over $16 and are irrelevant.

PissdafterPay, Undisclosed

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Ease of Installation
Very Difficult
Duration of Installation
More than 2 hours

Yes, I would recommend this to a friend