
Model # WF457ARGSGR/A2-00 Official Samsung washer

Here are the diagrams and repair parts for Official Samsung WF457ARGSGR-A2-00 washer, as well as links to manuals and error code tables, if available.

There are a couple of ways to find the part or diagram you need:

  • Click a diagram to see the parts shown on that diagram.
  • In the search box below, enter all or part of the part number or the part’s name.

Not all parts are shown on the diagrams—those parts are labeled NI, for “not illustrated”.

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For DIY troubleshooting advice and repair guides, visit our repair help section.

Model diagram and schematic



This is the number corresponding to the part on the diagram / schematic

Showing 10 of 215 parts  |

Samsung Washer Shock Absorber (replaces Dc66-00650d) DC66-00470A

Tub & drum diagram

Samsung washer shock absorber (replaces dc66-00650d)

Part #DC66-00470A

11% OFF Phone Price : $56.48
In Stock
Washer Shock Absorber (replaces Dc66-00650c) DC66-00470B

Tub & drum diagram

Washer shock absorber (replaces dc66-00650c)

Part #DC66-00470B

16% OFF Phone Price : $37.84
In Stock
Washer Motor Rotor Position Sensor DC31-00098A

Tub & drum diagram

Washer motor rotor position sensor

Part #DC31-00098A

9% OFF Phone Price : $63.33
In Stock
Washer Drum Shaft Assembly By Samsung DC97-16509C

Tub & drum diagram

Washer drum shaft assembly by samsung

Part #DC97-16509C

5% OFF Phone Price : $228.25
In Stock
Washer Drain Pump DC31-00054D

Frame & cover parts diagram

Washer drain pump

Part #DC31-00054D

9% OFF Phone Price : $66.18
In Stock
Washer Door Boot Spring Clamp DC97-04981F

Tub & drum diagram

Washer door boot spring clamp

Part #DC97-04981F

10% OFF Phone Price : $20.75
In Stock
Washer Suspension Spring DC61-01257N

Frame & cover parts diagram

Washer suspension spring

Part #DC61-01257N

16% OFF Phone Price : $38.65
In Stock
Washer Water-level Pressure Switch DC96-01703G

Tub & drum diagram

Washer water-level pressure switch

Part #DC96-01703G

10% OFF Phone Price : $59.72
In Stock
Washer Motor Stator DC31-00124A

Tub & drum diagram

Washer motor stator

Part #DC31-00124A

6% OFF Phone Price : $190.04
In Stock
Washer Outer Tub Gasket DC69-00804A

Tub & drum diagram

Washer outer tub gasket

Part #DC69-00804A

20% OFF Phone Price : $30.72
In Stock

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