April 20, 2023

Window air conditioner repair guides

Don't get hot under the collar over a window air conditioner that's not cooling a room. These step-by-step repair guides show you how to do common repairs such as replacing the electronic control board or installing a new thermistor. And we have more helpful information on our air conditioner repair help page, like symptoms and solution and maintenance tips for top brands such as Kenmore, Frigidaire and LG. Search your model number to find a complete list of replacement parts, then order the part you need.


Repair guides for Repair guides common to all window air conditioners

These step-by-step repair guides will help you safely fix what’s broken on your window air conditioner.

How to replace a window air conditioner ambient thermistor
May 01, 2014

How to replace a window air conditioner ambient thermistor

If your window air conditioner isn’t cooling properly, it might need a new ambient thermistor. You can replace it yourse…

Repair difficulty
Time required
 45 minutes or less
How to replace a window air conditioner condenser fan
May 01, 2014

How to replace a window air conditioner condenser fan

If the condenser fan blade is broken or the condenser fan motor won’t run, you can replace the broken parts yourself by…

Repair difficulty
Time required
 90 minutes or less
How to replace a window air conditioner user interface control board
May 01, 2014

How to replace a window air conditioner user interface control board

Control buttons or lights on the user interface control board can stop working. This repair guide shows how to replace i…

Repair difficulty
Time required
 30 minutes or less
How to replace a window air conditioner electronic control board
January 05, 2014

How to replace a window air conditioner electronic control board

The electronic control board is the brain of your window air conditioner. Here’s how to replace it.…

Repair difficulty
Time required
 45 minutes or less

Symptoms for window air conditioners

Choose a symptom to see related window air conditioner repairs.

Main causes: lack of electrical power, bad electronic control board, wiring failure, bad temperature sensor…

Main causes: clogged drain hole, air conditioner not leveled properly…

Main causes: dirty air filter, air conditioner is too small for the room, temperature set too cold, control failure…

Main causes: bad compressor, lack of refrigerant, bad compressor start relay, electronic control board failure…

Main causes: turning the air conditioner off and the back on too quickly, dirty or restricted condenser coil, compressor…

Main causes: clogged condensate drain, air conditioner not leveled properly, leaky window air seals …

Articles and videos for window air conditioners

Use the advice and tips in these articles and videos to get the most out of your window air conditioner.

How to enjoy all the online benefits we offer on our Sears PartsDirect website

How to enjoy all the online benefits we offer on our Sears PartsDirect website

Learn about all the convenient features on our Sears PartsDirect website that make your parts purchases easier.…

Top questions about Sears and Sears PartsDirect

Top questions about Sears and Sears PartsDirect

Get answers to frequently asked questions about Sears and Sears PartsDirect.…

How to repair broken or damaged wires video

How to repair broken or damaged wires video

Learn how to repair broken, frayed or damaged wires in your appliances.…