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Venturer Lcd televisions

Official Venturer lcd television parts

Venturer LCD televisions are top performers that use the latest technology to produce crystal clear video reproduction at the fastest refresh rates possible. Venturer LCD televisions are available in many different types and sizes so you can find the model that's best for your home. When your Venturer LCD television needs repair, trust Sears PartsDirect to have the replacement parts you need to fix the television fast.

Maintenance tips for your Venturer LCD television

  • Unplug the television from the wall outlet before performing any cleaning and maintenance tasks.
  • Wipe down the LCD screen gently using a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Remove deposits or stains from the screen using a soft cloth slightly moistened with a solution of mild soap (dish detergent) and warm water. Wipe soap residue off the screen using a soft cloth slightly moistened with plain water. Dry the screen using a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Never use strong chemicals or solvents such as paint thinner, alcohol or benzene for cleaning the LCD screen.
  • Check the television stand for stability and tighten any loose screws or fasteners. Make sure the television is properly secured to the home entertainment stand so it won't topple.
  • Check the mounting brackets for the home entertainment stand. Tighten any loose screws in the mounting brackets.
  • Clean dust and lint from ventilation slots and grills in the television cabinet. Use dry, canned air to clear air ventilation slots and grills if needed.
  • Wipe down the television cabinet with a soft cloth moistened with water. Dry the cabinet with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  • Plug the television power cord back into the wall outlet.

Top replacement parts for Venturer LCD televisions

  • Speaker assembly. The speaker assembly reproduces the sound for video playback in the television.
  • Signal cable. The signal cable provides a way to connect other audio or video components to the television.
  • Ribbon cable. The ribbon cable transmits signals between circuit boards in the television.
  • Power transformer. The power transformer allows the AC power supplied to the television to be converted to DC power for operation of circuits in the television.
  • Main control board. The main control board controls the electronic functions of the television.