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Image Weight systems

Official Image weight system parts

Image makes many different types of weight systems so you can find the model that best fits in your home and suits your fitness needs. Image weight systems are sturdy machines but equipment failures can happen at any time. When you need repair parts for your Image weight system, you can trust Sears PartsDirect to have the replacement parts needed to fix your home gym.

Toning exercise routines to use on your Image weight system

  • Always consult with your physician before beginning any fitness routine on your weight system.
  • Start by stretching muscles and exercising lightly before beginning your muscle toning routine to avoid injury. A thorough warm-up routine increases your body temperature, heart rate and circulation in preparation for muscle toning.
  • To tone muscles, set weights to work your muscles at a moderate percentage of their capacity such as 50 percent.
  • Start with a moderate number of repetitions and increase the number of repetitions with each set that you complete.
  • Complete as many sets of 15 to 20 repetitions as possible without extreme discomfort. Rest for 1 minute between sets.
  • Tone muscles by completing more sets of 15 to 20 repetitions rather than by increasing the weight while completing sets.

Tightening the cables on your Image weight system

  • Cables stretch over time so inspect the slack in all weight system resistance cables before using the weight system each time.
  • Tighten any loose cables to eliminate slack before using the weight system. Don't overtighten the cables.
  • To tighten cables that use a bolt and locknut adjustment, slide the cable stop away from the cable clip. Use a pair of pliers or a screwdriver to tighten the locknut on the bolt that goes into the cable clip to shorten the cable and remove slack. Slide the cable stop against the cable clip.
  • To remove slack from a cable with adjustable sets of holds in a U-bracket, remove the nut and bolt that hold the adjustable cable pulley in place and move the bolt up to hold the pulley in a higher set of holes to remove cable slack. Reinstall the nut and tighten it firmly to hold the bolt and pulley in place.