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Image Exercise cycles

Official Image exercise cycle parts

Image exercise cycles are an ideal choice for fitness enthusiasts who are serious about building muscle and increasing body strength. With features such as 30-pound fly wheels and adjustable handlebars, these stationary bikes are a must-have when it comes to home fitness. Whether you're looking to take off a few pounds, sculpt your muscles or improve your overall health, an Image exercise cycle can help you challenge yourself to reach your fitness goals.

3.4C logo

Image IMEX36580 34c

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78 Parts
3.2CE logo

Image IMEX35080 32ce

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2.0C logo

Image IMEX30590 20c

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Realistic chain drive system

While there is nothing more exhilarating for cyclists than riding outdoors in the fresh air, adverse weather conditions such as rain and snow can make it difficult to get outdoors. Fortunately, Image exercise cycles are designed with unique chain drive systems that work to simulate a true outdoor riding experience, allowing riders to imagine themselves biking on paved roads and outdoor sidewalks.

Felt-resistance system

Resistance is key when it comes to increasing muscle mass and burning calories. Image exercise cycles are crafted with a felt-resistance system that allows riders to literally "feel the burn" as they pedal away. Best of all, if the resistance becomes too intense, you can instantly halt your workout by utilizing the bike's quick stop breaking system.

Repair assistance is available

While Image exercise cycles are built with durable materials and designed to hold up to 250 pounds, damage can occur over time. If your Image exercise cycle breaks down for any reason and requires a replacement part, Sears PartsDirect offers an extensive parts catalogue of Image exercise cycle parts, ranging from small nuts and bolts to replacement pedal assemblies.

Proper exercise cycle maintenance is extremely important when it comes to achieving your daily fitness goals. Order from Sears PartsDirect today to ensure that your bike remains in optimal working condition.