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Delta Jointer planers

Official Delta jointer/planer parts

Delta makes precision jointer/planers that can help you prepare work pieces quickly and easily. Delta jointer/planers are known for reliability and typically last for many years. Eventually jointer/planer parts wear down or break. When you need replacement parts for your Delta jointer/planer, trust Sears PartsDirect to the repair parts you need.

Maintaining your Delta jointer/planer

Rotate or replace the knife blades often on your jointer/planer. Unplug the planer to disconnect electrical power before making any adjustments or replacing parts.

Regularly blow out all air passages in the planer with compressed air to keep the planer running smoothly.

Clean all plastic parts with a soft, damp cloth after each use. Never use solvents to clean the plastic parts of the planer. Solvents can dissolve or damage plastic planer parts.

Periodically tighten all nuts, bolts and fasteners on the planer. Check for loose fasteners if you hear unusual noises when using the planer. Unusual noises often indicate that fasteners are loose.

Top-selling Delta jointer/planer parts

  • Motor brushes. Spring-loaded motor brushes on the planer mount against the motor's rotating armature, transferring power to the armature. These brushes wear out over time. Inspect the carbon motor brushes regularly. Replace the motor brushes when they wear down to their wear replacement mark or when the carbon brush is ¼-inch. Replace both carbon motor brushes as the same time.
  • Drive belt. The drive belt spins the blades and rollers. The drive belt can wear and stretch over time. Replace the drive belt when it's worn or damaged.
  • Drive motor. Eventually bearings in the drive motor can wear out. Replace the drive motor if it makes loud noises when running, locks up or doesn't run when current is supplied to the motor.
  • Blades. Keep planer blades sharp and replace the blades when they're worn out or damaged.