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Proctor Silex Toasters

Official Proctor Silex toaster parts

Proctor Silex toasters take the guess work out of toasting perfect bread, bagels and pastries. Proctor Silex toasters have toast slots that large enough for bagels and other large items. When your Proctor Silex toaster breaks down, find the repair parts you need to get your toaster going again.

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Common Proctor Silex toaster replacement parts

  • Heating element. The heating element provide the heat for the toasting process in the toaster.
  • Power cord. The power cord connects electrical power from the electrical wall outlet to the toaster control switch.
  • Toaster control switch. The toaster control switch controls electrical current going to the heating elements inside the toaster.
  • Control dial. The control dial lets you select how dark you want bread or other items toasted.

Troubleshooting your Proctor Silex toaster when it won't heat.

  • Check the electrical wall outlet for power. Plug a different item into the wall outlet to check for electrical power. If the outlet is dead, reset the house circuit breaker for the outlet. If the outlet is still dead after resetting the house circuit breaker, have an electrician repair the outlet.
  • If the electrical outlet has power, check the power cord for damage. Repair or replace the power cord if it's damaged.
  • If the power cord is okay, unplug the toaster and check the power cord wiring connections on the control. Reconnect any loose wires and repair any broken wires.
  • If the control wiring connections are okay, then you may need to replace the control