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Horizon Elliptical machines

Official Horizon elliptical machine parts

Sears PartsDirect is a top supplier of replacement parts and accessories for Horizon ellipticals. We have the repair and maintenance parts you need to keep your Horizon elliptical running smoothly so you can stay in top shape. Order your Horizon elliptical repair parts from Sears PartsDirect today.

What to do when the control console display is dim on your Horizon elliptical

Weak batteries, loose wires or a faulty console can cause a dim control console display on your elliptical.

In an elliptical that uses batteries to power the console, replace the batteries to restore brightness to the console display. Replace the batteries during routine elliptical maintenance to keep the control console display from going dim in the future.

If the display doesn't get brighter after replacing the batteries, you'll likely need to replace the console.

If your elliptical has a power cord, unplug the elliptical and check the power cord wiring connections to the control console. Reconnect any loose wires. If the power cord is damaged, replace it.

If the power cord and its wiring connections to the control console are okay, then you may need to replace the console because the display is faulty or the console isn't sending enough power to the display.

Troubleshooting your Horizon elliptical when incorrect speed is displayed on the console

A problem with the reed switch, wiring failure or faulty console can cause the incorrect speed to be displayed.

Unplug the elliptical if it has a power cord and check the position of the reed switch if displayed speed is extremely slow when you're treading at a fast pace. The reed switch won't detect the crank arm pulley magnet if the switch is too far away from the pulley. Adjust the reed switch closer to the pulley so the reed switch detects the magnet and sends the proper speed signal to the console.

If the reed switch is properly positioned close to the crank arm pulley, check wiring between the reed switch and the console. Reconnect any loose wires and repair any broken wires.

If the wires are okay, you may need to replace the console because it isn't displaying the correct speed even though it's receiving the correct speed signal from the reed switch.

Find the Horizon elliptical repair parts you need at Sears PartsDirect

We make it easy for you to find the Horizon elliptical repair parts you need to fix any type of failure. Look up the Horizon E900 elliptical parts you need on our conventient parts list diagrams for your model and get your elliptical machine fixed fast.