Refrigerator Ice Maker Fill Tube Seal WP1106508

Part #WP1106508

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Previous part numbers
Part #1106508
Part #1103059

Part Information

This ice maker fill tube seal (part number WP1106508) is for refrigerators.

Ice maker fill tube seal WP1106508 attaches to the water fill tube grommet and prevents warm air from entering the freezer through the tubing opening.

Safely store any food that could deteriorate while the power is off and unplug the refrigerator before installing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.


Ice Maker water supply gasket leak
June 21, 2020

Didn't seal the connection. Seemingly very thin and very soft. Have a Sears technician coming out to fix the problem. The old gasket that was in it was a beveled thicker gasket. Will be curious to see if the tech. will stack or use a different washer to create a seal. Thx

Ryan's h u 2, Undisclosed

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