
Model # RD-6504 Official Sherwood audio receiver

Here are the diagrams and repair parts for Official Sherwood RD-6504 audio receiver, as well as links to manuals and error code tables, if available.

There are a couple of ways to find the part or diagram you need:

  • Click a diagram to see the parts shown on that diagram.
  • In the search box below, enter all or part of the part number or the part’s name.

Not all parts are shown on the diagrams—those parts are labeled NI, for “not illustrated”.

We encourage you to save the model to your profile, so it’s easy to access parts and manuals for your appliance whenever you log in.

For DIY troubleshooting advice and repair guides, visit our repair help section.

Model diagram and schematic



This is the number corresponding to the part on the diagram / schematic

Showing 10 of 106 parts  |

Encoder Switch G121123070010S

Cabinet parts diagram

Encoder switch

Part #G121123070010S

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Pcb 7028067824010

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #7028067824010

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Rca 3pin G60631901B20YS

Cabinet parts diagram

Rca 3pin

Part #G60631901B20YS

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Button 5090212761200SZ

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #5090212761200SZ

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Pcb 7028067782010

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #7028067782010

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Integrated Circuit J126111700041S

Cabinet parts diagram

Integrated circuit

Part #J126111700041S

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Pwr.trans 8200960560130S

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #8200960560130S

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Integrated Circuit J000240800020S

Cabinet parts diagram

Integrated circuit

Part #J000240800020S

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Stopper 4380040162010S

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #4380040162010S

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Tuner E903000000010S

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #E903000000010S

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part