August 04, 2020

How to fix a pull cord stuck after tipping mower

How to fix a pull cord stuck after tipping mower.
How to fix a pull cord stuck after tipping mower.

So you tipped your lawn mower over for maintenance or cleaning and now the pull cord won’t budge. No worries, this video from Sears PartsDirect shows you how to easily get the starter rope working again in just a few minutes. And you can get back to cutting grass.

If you need help with other mower issues, our DIY walk-behind mower repair page has symptom advice, troubleshooting videos, repair guides and maintenance articles. Once you’ve diagnosed the problem, find the part you need on our lawn mower parts page.

If you can't pull the starter rope on your walk-behind mower after tipping it over for maintenance or cleaning, the engine could be hydrolocked. Hydrolocking happens when if you tip the mower the wrong way and oil flows into the engine cylinder, keeping the piston from moving.

Don't worry—we can help you fix the problem without a visit to the repair shop.

Follow these simple steps to get the mower going again.

How to fix a stuck lawn mower starter cord

  1. Remove the spark plug and move the spark plug wire out of the way.

  2. Pull the starter rope several times to clear oil out of the cylinder. You'll see oil spray out of the spark plug hole.

  3. Wipe off the oil and reinstall the spark plug. Then connect the spark plug wire.

  4. Pull the starter rope to start the engine.

A lot of white smoke will come out of the muffler as the engine sputters to life, because the engine is burning off the oil inside the cylinder.

Once the engine burns off the oil, the mower should run smoothly.

To avoid hydrolocking the engine in the future, follow the owner's manual instructions for tilting your mower. With most push mowers, you can tip the mower backward or on its side with the air filter facing upward.

We hope this video helps you out today. Find more DIY tips in the repair help section of our website at or on the Sears PartsDirect YouTube channel.

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