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Modern Maid Range microwave combos

Official Modern Maid range/microwave combo parts

Modern Maid range/microwave combos combine innovative technology with sleek design, providing versatile appliances that deliver perfectly even cooking results. Fast preheating and precise temperature control mean you can get meals to the table more quickly. When your Modern Maid range/microwave combo fails to perform, you need to diagnose the cause of the failure and replace parts. Sears PartsDirect has the parts you need to repair your Modern Maid range/microwave combo and get back to cooking great meals.

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Modern Maid DDO-692A electric range microwave combo

Electric Range/Microwave Combo logo

Modern Maid DDO-692C electric range microwave combo

Electric Range/Microwave Combo logo

Modern Maid DDO-692D electric range microwave combo

Electric Range/Microwave Combo logo

Modern Maid DDO-692B electric range microwave combo

Testing dinnerware or cookware before use in the microwave of your Modern Maid range/microwave combo

To test a dish or cookware for safe use inside your microwave, put it into the oven with a cup of water beside it. Start the microwave at 100% power for one minute. If the dish gets hot, do not use it.

Some dishes (melamine, some ceramic dinnerware, etc.) absorb microwave energy, becoming too hot to handle and slowing cooking times. Cooking in metal containers not designed for microwave use could damage the oven, as could containers with hidden metal (twist-ties, foil lining, staples, metallic glaze or trim).

Troubleshooting your Modern Maid range/microwave combo when the broiler won't work

A broken broiler element or failed electronic oven control board could prevent the broiler from working in an range/microwave combo.

A broken oven temperature sensor probe also may prevent the broil element from heating or staying on in oven. When the oven temperature sensor probe fails, you'll likely see temperature control problems in the bake mode as well.

You can test the oven temperature sensor probe by unplugging the range and measuring sensor probe resistance using a multimeter. You should measure about 1,080 ohms of resistance through most probes at room temperature. Refer to the tech sheet for the probe's resistance specification for your range. You can likely find the tech sheet in the control console or taped to the back of the range. Replace the oven temperature sensor probe if you don't measure the correct resistance through the probe. If the probe is okay, then you may need to replace the electronic oven control board.

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