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Tappan Dishwashers

Official Tappan dishwasher parts

It's a given that after your Tappan dishwasher cleans your dishes, the water shuold drain from the dishwasher. But if something goes wrong with the draining process, you can find a puddle of water in the bottom when the cycle ends. When your dishwasher isn't draining or it isn't working properly, find the Tappan dishwasher parts you need to fix the problem at Sears PartsDirect.

How to fix your Tappan dishwasher when it stops mid-cycle

  1. When your Tappan dishwasher stops during a cycle, first open and close the door to make sure it's latched.
  2. Check whether the house circuit to the dishwasher is tripped.
  3. If a light switch on the wall near the dishwasher controls power to the dishwasher, make sure it's in the On position.
  4. If these basic tips don’t help, then a broken door latch, faulty control panel or failed electronic control board could be the problem.
  5. In some models, a failed heating element causes the dishwasher to stop. In other models, a failed vent fan can cause the dishwasher to stop mid-cycle. Follow the troubleshooting steps in our dishwasher won’t start video to restart the dishwasher after it stops mid-cycle.
  6. Use the tips in the dishwasher has no power video if the dishwasher is dead after stopping during the cycle.

What to do when your Tappan dishwasher won't fill

  • Check the door latch. Close the dishwasher door fully so it latches; otherwise it can’t fill. Replace the door latch if it's damaged.
  • Clear the overfill float. Something stuck in the overfill float, also called the mushroom float, prevents the dishwasher from filling. Open the door and pull out the bottom dishrack to access the overfill float. If you find a chicken bone or plastic cover under the float, remove it.
  • Make sure the water supply is turned on. Check if the dishwasher water supply valve is turned on. You'll likely find this valve under the sink or in the basement under your dishwasher. You might be surprised at how many people shut this valve off when they go on vacation and forget to turn it back on.
  • Look for a clog in the water inlet valve screen. Shut off the water supply valve and unplug the dishwasher. Remove the mounting screws and pull off the bottom front access panel and toe panel. Disconnect the water supply line from the inlet valve. Use a mirror to check for a clogged inlet screen. Replace the water inlet valve if you find the screen clogged. If you try to clean the screen instead of replacing the valve, debris from the clogged screen can get into the valve body, causing the valve to stick open and possibly flood your kitchen.
  • Other possible failures. If all of the above troubleshooting didn't help you resolve the problem, then a failed water inlet valve, wiring break in the fill circuit or a defective electronic control board could be preventing the dishwasher from filling.