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McClane Reel walk behind mowers

Official McClane reel lawn mower parts

McClane reel walk-behind lawn mowers are reliable and dependable machines. McClane reel lawn mowers include the features you need to cut the grass cleanly. When your McClane reel walk-behind lawn mower isn't cutting as it should, find the replacement parts you need to fix the mower at Sears PartsDirect.

Checking reel blade alignment on your McClane reel walk-behind lawn mower

  • Wear work gloves to protect your hands. Turn the lawn mower upside down.
  • Insert a piece of paper between the cutting bar and reel blade.
  • Carefully turn the reel blade by hand.
  • All blades should slice the paper evenly the entire length of the cutter bar and the reel should turn smoothly.
  • If the reel blades don't cut evenly, adjust the blade alignment to attain an even cutting action.

Safety guidelines to follow when using your McClane reel walk-behind mower

  • Read the owner's manual and familiarize yourself with all operations and safety guidelines before using the reel mower.
  • Inspect the lawn mower before use. Tighten any loose fasteners and replace any worn or broken parts before use.
  • Carefully inspect your lawn and remove any foreign objects before mowing.
  • Wear boots or work shoes to protect your feet from injury while mowing.
  • Never place hands or feet near the reel when mowing.
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