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Craftsman Water pumps

Official Craftsman water pump parts

Sears PartsDirect is a leading supplier of repair and replacement parts for Craftsman water pumps. Craftsman water pumps use powerful and rugged drive motors to turn the impellers in their water pumps. When your Craftsman water pump isn't moving water as it should, rely on Sears PartsDirect to have the repair parts you need to fix the pump.

Common Craftsman water pump parts

  • Pump check valve. The water pump check valve prevents water backflow into the pump.
  • Diffuser. The water pump diffuser controls the flow of water leaving the pump.
  • Magnet housing. The pump magnet housing attaches inside the motor housing and covers the drive magnet that turns the impeller.
  • Pump overhaul kit. The pump overhaul kit includes the parts needed to rebuild the pump. Refer to the parts diagram for a complete list of parts included.

Troubleshooting tips for fixing your Craftsman shallow well pump when it won't pump water

  • Check for prime. Stop the pump and disconnect electrical power. Remove the priming plug and see if water is in the priming hole. Re-prime the pump if the priming hole is dry.
  • Check the foot valve or strainer for clogs.
  • Check the pump impeller for debris and clean the impeller housing if necessary.
  • Check water level in the well. You may need a deep well pump if water level is more than 25 feet below the surface.