Parts & Repair Center Locator

As part of Sears’s transformation, the leadership team made the difficult decision to close Parts & Repair centers. But Sears PartsDirect continues to offer thousands of parts for hundreds of brands on our website. To find a part, you can search for a product's model number to see the parts list or search for the specific part number. If you need step-by-step instructions for installing a part, see our DIY repair help section.

Looking for water filters, vacuum bags or lawn-care parts? One of the following pages might have what you need.

  • Water filters. Find our most popular water filters and learn about our subscription program, which has free shipping and automatically sends your filter when you need it.

  • Vacuum bags, belts and filters. Find replacement vacuum bags, filters and belts for almost all brands and models. 

  • Lawn-care parts and accessories. Find tune-up kits, spark plugs, oil mower deck spray, air filters and more.