Dryer Timer W11043389

Part #W11043389

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Part Information

This timer (part number W11043389) is for dryers.

Timer W11043389 controls the electrical components and the duration of the dryer cycles.

Unplug the dryer before installing this part. Wear work gloves to protect your hands.


Exact fit. 5 min install
May 07, 2018

Lower clip that holds the timer in place was pain to undo. I love how Sears increased the price for this part from $43 to 157 the next day after I purchased it. This part does not worth 157$. You can buy a new dryer for $ 350. MAX 50$.

Vanuxa, Boston

2 people thought this review was helpful.

Ease of Installation
Very Easy
Duration of Installation
Less than 30 minutes