
Model # GSE75DN4C/P9661211F Official Amana gas furnace - gse n series

Here are the diagrams and repair parts for Official Amana GSE75DN4C/P9661211F gas furnace - gse n series, as well as links to manuals and error code tables, if available.

By Schematic

This is the number corresponding to the part on the diagram / schematic

Browse Parts for
GSE75DN4C/P9661211F Gas Furnace - GSE N Series
90 Degrees Elbow, 1/1"  Pipe R0198385

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram

90 degrees elbow, 1/1" pipe

Part #R0198385

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Crossover R0198380

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram


Part #R0198380

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Blower Mounting & Grommet Package R0198404

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram

Blower mounting & grommet package

Part #R0198404

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Crossover R0198406

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram


Part #R0198406

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Draft Diverter R0194150

Furnace body diagram

Draft diverter

Part #R0194150

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Blower Housing & Cut-off R0194198

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram

Blower housing & cut-off

Part #R0194198

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Shield, Radiation R0194162

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram

Shield, radiation

Part #R0194162

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Furnace Blower Wheel R0156031

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram

Furnace blower wheel

Part #R0156031

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Manifold R0198387

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram


Part #R0198387

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Shield, Radiation R0194160

(gse60dn3/p9661201f) (gse75dn4c/p9661211f) (gse100dn4/p9661203f) (gse120dn5/p9661204f) (gse140dn5/p9661205f) (gse100dn5c/p9661215f) diagram

Shield, radiation

Part #R0194160

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

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