LCD Television

Model # HDLCD1912B Official Sansui lcd television

Here are the diagrams and repair parts for Official Sansui HDLCD1912B lcd television, as well as links to manuals and error code tables, if available.

By Schematic

This is the number corresponding to the part on the diagram / schematic

Browse Parts for
HDLCD1912B Televisions
Sharp Resistor R803R9333J

Cabinet parts diagram

Sharp resistor

Part #R803R9333J

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Panasonic Capacitor C0PLRR713K

Cabinet parts diagram

Panasonic capacitor

Part #C0PLRR713K

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Sharp Thermistor DSQDNE5R0L

Cabinet parts diagram

Sharp thermistor


The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Memorex Integrated Circuit I1KJ9A431A

Cabinet parts diagram

Memorex integrated circuit

Part #I1KJ9A431A

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Badge 7234650033

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #7234650033

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Resistor RC31X1125J

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #RC31X1125J

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Headphones 060R131024

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #060R131024

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Screw 8110K3080U

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #8110K3080U

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

Jack,ac 064Q1A0010

Cabinet parts diagram


Part #064Q1A0010

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part

R Fuse,res R63884330J

Cabinet parts diagram

R fuse,res

Part #R63884330J

The manufacturer no longer makes this part, and there's no substitute part
