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LG Dehumidifiers

Official LG dehumidifier parts

LG dehumidifiers reduce humidity in your house, making your home more comfortable in humid weather. Precision controls on your LG dehumidifier keep it working dependably and efficiently. But if your LG dehumidifier stops working, trust Sears PartsDirect to have the repair parts you need to fix the problem.

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How to fix your LG dehumidifier when it won't power up

If your LG dehumidifier doesn't turn on, first test that the electrical outlet works by plugging a lamp or small appliance into it. If there's no electricity to the outlet, reset the house circuit. If the electrical outlet works, the problem could be in the dehumidifier's internal wiring, electronic control board or the user interface control board in the control panel. Check the power cord for damage and replace the power cord if you see cut or frayed wires. Unplug the dehumidifier and check the wiring connections between the electronic control board and user interface board. Reconnect any loose wires. If the wiring connections are okay, check the electronic control board and user interface board for damage such as burn marks. Replace any board that's damaged.

Troubleshooting your LG dehumidifier when it won't remove moisture

After you first plug in your LG dehumidifier, give it 3 to 4 days to reach and maintain the humidity level you set. To allow adequate air flow, place the dehumidifier at least 6 inches from walls. So the dehumidifier can work efficiently, clean the air filter and grille if they’re dirty. If the dehumidifier's capacity is too small for the space, it can't remove humidity adequately; consider adding another dehumidifier to the area.