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Onkyo Speakers

Official Onkyo speaker parts

Onkyo speakers produce accurate sound throughout the entire audible range so you can enjoy your favorite music. Onkyo speakers are available in many different types and sizes so you can find the speakers that best fit your needs. When you need replacement parts to repair an Onkyo speaker, you'll find the repair parts you need at Sears PartsDirect.

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Onkyo SKR-580 audio speaker

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Onkyo SKR-770 audio speakers

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Onkyo SKB-540 audio speakers

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Onkyo SKC-580 audio speaker

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Onkyo SKF-770 audio speakers

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Onkyo SKC-540C audio speakers

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Onkyo SKM-540S audio speakers

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Onkyo SKC-770 audio speakers

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Onkyo SKB-770 audio speakers

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Onkyo SKF-540F audio speakers

Maintenance tips for your Onkyo speakers

  • Clean the speakers regularly. Remove the speaker grill and vacuum it with a hose and dust attachment to remove dust and debris. Carefully use canned air and a camera lens brush to clean woofer, mid-range and tweeter components. Wipe down the cabinet using a cleaner recommended in the owner's manual for your speakers.
  • Shut off the receiver or amplifier and remove the speaker wires from the back of the speaker cabinet. Clean the speaker wire terminals with cotton swabs dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Allow the terminals to completely dry before reconnecting speaker wires.
  • Keep your speakers away from direct sunlight and extreme heat sources.

Types of loudspeaker drivers used in Onkyo speaker systems

  • Sub-woofer. The sub-woofer reproduces sound in the lowest frequency ranges typically from 20Hz – 200Hz.
  • Woofer. The woofer reproduces sound from low ranges around 50Hz – 1kHz.
  • Midrange driver. The midrange driver reproduces sound in the middle range of the audible sound spectrum from around 300Hz to about 5kHz.
  • Tweeters. Tweeters reproduce the clear, crisp high frequency sounds above 2kHz up to around 20kHz.
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