Check the water inlet valve assembly
The water inlet valve assembly is one of several washer parts that work together to fill the washer drum with water. If one of the valves doesn't open, it can keep water out. Sometimes the reverse occurs and a valve becomes stuck open so that the washer doesn't stop filling. In either event, the water inlet valve assembly needs to be replaced.
Check the water level pressure switch
The water level pressure switch governs the level of the water in the washer's tub. If this switch becomes defective, the washer may not fill with water as it should.
Replace the main electronic control board
If the main electronic control board on your washer has stopped working, your washer has temporarily lost its ability to fill and drain the tub, as well as to perform many of its other necessary functions. Replacing this part is different for top-loading and front-loading washers, so seek guidance and instructions from the Sears PartsDirect website.