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Toyomenka Cd players

Official Toyomenka cd player parts

Toyomenka is an industry leader in producing quality CD players in the United States. Toyomenka CD players deliver the clear sound reproduction that you expect from compact discs. When your Toyomenka CD player needs repair, you'll find the replacement parts you need to fix the CD player at Sears PartsDirect.

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Toyomenka CD440 cd player

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Steps to take when the receiver or amplifier won't play your Toyomenka CD player's audio signal

  • Check the receiver or amplifier settings and select the correct audio input source on the receiver or amplifier if necessary.
  • Check the audio cable connections between the CD player and the receiver or amplifier. Reconnect any loose audio cable connections. Replace the audio cables if they're damaged.
  • Check the compact disc to make sure it's inserted in the tray properly. The label of the CD disc should be facing upward.
  • Check the compact disc media side for deposits or scratches. Clean the compact disc thoroughly if you find spills or deposits on the disc.
  • Reset the CD player control board by unplugging the CD player from the electrical wall outlet for several minutes. Plug the CD player power cord back in to the electrical outlet and attempt to play the compact disc again.

Common repair parts for Toyomenka CD players

  • Remote control. The remote control allows you to operate the CD player and make setting selections from a remote location. The remote control communicates selections to the CD player through RF (radio frequency) signals.
  • Power control board. The power control board in the CD player provides electrical current to the component devices inside the player.
  • Tray door. The tray door covers the compact disc tray opening. The tray door opens to allow the disc tray to extend for loading a compact disc and the door shuts when the tray retracts back into the player cabinet.
  • Disc tray. The disc tray holds and supports the compact disc during playback. The tray extends to load or eject a compact disc.