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Builder's Best Dryers

Official Builder's Best dryer parts

Builder's Best manufactures dryer vent components in various sizes and shapes so you can find the right venting solution for your dryer. Providing proper venting to the outside of your home for your dryer is essential for proper drying performance. Find the dryer venting parts you need in our listing of Builder's Best dryer vent parts.

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Builder's Best 98384 dryer venting

Top-selling Builder's Best dryer vent components

  • Dryer vent periscope 49904. Adjustable between 18 and 29-inches, the vent periscope is for close-to-wall dryer installations with as little as 2 1/2-inches of clearance behind the dryer. You can also trim the periscope to fit.
  • Dryer duct elbow 49902. This 4-inch exhaust duct elbow allows the exhaust vent pipe to turn without kinking the pipe.
  • Dryer flexible vent hose 49608. The flexible vent hose connects between the vent outlet on the back of the dryer and the opening for the exhaust duct going to the outside of your home behind the dryer.
  • Dryer exhaust close duct elbow 49609. The close duct elbow allows the exhaust vent pipe to turn within 4 ½-inches.

Tips for determining the best vent path for your dryer when using Builder's Best dryer vent components

  • Select the exhaust vent duct route that provides the straightest and most direct path outdoors.
  • Plan the vent duct installation to use the fewest number of elbows and turns.
  • When using elbows or making turns, allow as much room as possible when making the bend.
  • Bend vent sections gradually to avoid kinking.
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