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Cerwin-Vega Speakers

Official Cerwin-Vega speaker parts

Sears PartsDirect is a leading supplier of repair parts for Cerwin Vega speakers. Cerwin Vega speakers are known for the rich bass range in their speakers. When you need repair parts for a Cerwin Vega speaker, you'll find what you need at Sears PartsDirect.

Troubleshooting the stereo system when your Cerwin Vega speakers won't play

  • Check the output settings on your receiver's control panel first. Make sure that you have the correct speaker output selected. Adjust the audio output settings if necessary.
  • Check to see if you have the headphones plugged into the headphone jack. Unplug the headphones to play the speakers if you find the headphones plugged into the headphone jack.
  • Check the speaker wire connections. Make sure that speaker wires are plugged fully into the speaker jacks on the back of the receiver. Make sure that the speaker wires are securely connected to the speakers. Reconnect any loose wiring connection.
  • Check speaker wires for damage. Repair or replace any damaged speaker wire.

Maintenance tips for your Cerwin Vega speakers

  • Clean the speakers regularly. Remove the speaker grill and vacuum it with a hose and dust attachment to remove dust and debris. Carefully use canned air and a camera lens brush to clean woofer, mid-range and tweeter components. Wipe down the cabinet using a cleaner recommended in the owner's manual for your speakers.
  • Shut off the receiver or amplifier and remove the speaker wires from the back of the speaker cabinet. Clean the speaker wire terminals with cotton swabs dampened with isopropyl alcohol. Allow the terminals to completely dry before reconnecting speaker wires.
  • Keep your speakers away from direct sunlight and extreme heat sources.