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Mitsubishi Lcd televisions

Official Mitsubishi lcd television parts

Mitsubishi LCD televisions use the latest technology to produce clear, vibrant video on the display screen. Mitsubishi LCD televisions use efficient and dependable control boards and video display components to make sure video images stay clear. When your Mitsubishi LCD television isn't performing as it should, find the repair parts you need to fix the problem at Sears PartsDirect.

Troubleshooting your Mitsubishi LCD television when it won't power up

  • Check that the television power cord is fully plugged into the wall outlet. If you have the television plugged into a surge protector, make sure the surge protector is plugged into the wall outlet.
  • Check the electrical wall outlet for power. Plug a night light or small appliance into the electrical wall outlet to see if the outlet has power. If the outlet is dead, reset the house circuit breaker for the electrical wall outlet.
  • If the wall outlet is okay and you have the television plugged into a surge protector, reset the surge protector if the surge protector tripped. If the surge protector isn't tripped, plug the television directly into the wall outlet. If the television powers up when plugged directly into the wall outlet, replace the surge protector because it isn't allowing the television to get power.

Connecting your Mitsubishi LCD television to a Wi-Fi network

To connect your television to the Wi-Fi network using Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button, go to the Network Setup menu and select Wireless Setup. Select the WPS method of Wi-Fi connection from the Wireless Setup menu. Start the WPS wireless setup method on your television then pus the WPS button on your Wi-Fi router to connection your television to the Wi-Fi network.

To connect your television to the Wi-Fi network using the router password, follow the same steps as described above to reach the Wireless Setup menu on your television. Select the Scan for available Wi-Fi networks option. Select your Wi-Fi network from the list of available Wi-Fi networks and enter the router password to connect the television to your Wi-Fi router.