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Roper Snowblowers

Official Roper snowblower parts

Roper snowblowers clear snow quickly and efficiently. Powerful motors on Roper snowblowers spin the auger to effectively eliminate snow from your driveway and sidewalk. When your Roper snowblower breaks down, find the parts you need to fix the problem at Sears PartsDirect.

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Most common Roper 826 snowblower parts that need replacing

  • Power cord. The power cord supplies electric current to the snowblower.
  • Shear pin. The shear pin is a fastener bolt that connects the auger to the rotating drive shaft. The shear pin is made of soft metal that purposely shears off or breaks to protect the transmission and motor when a foreign object or hard-packed snow binds the augers.
  • Skid shoes. The skid shoes are two spacers that attach to each side of the auger housing and slide along the ground so the snowblower moves smoothly. They also elevate the auger housing so it clears the ground, protecting it from damage.
  • Auger assembly. The auger assembly consists of rotating blades that collect snow and throw it out of the auger housing and through the chute.

How to fix your Roper snowblower when its auger isn't turning

A broken shear pin is the most common reason the auger won't turn properly so replace any broken shear pins.

A weak drive motor can also prevent the auger from turning. Replace the drive motor if it won't spin the auger when it gets electrical current.