How to fix your Murray electric snowblower when its auger isn't turning
A broken shear pin is the most common reason the auger won't turn properly so replace any broken shear pins.
A weak drive motor can also prevent the auger from turning. Replace the drive motor if it won't spin the auger when it gets electrical current.
Murray electric snowblower snow clearing tips
- To avoid running over the power cord, start at the top corner of your driveway and clear 5-foot sections across the driveway. Continue clearing additional sections until you reach the end of the driveway.
- You can also follow a diagonal clearing pattern to avoid cord damage. Start in the middle of the driveway and clear snow diagonally to the edge of the driveway. Pull straight back and clear snow diagonally on the opposite side of the driveway. Repeat until you reach the end of the driveway.
- One other method of clearing snow without damaging the power cord is to use a mid-point clearing pattern. Start by clearing a row down the center of your driveway until you reach the edge. Work your way back to the top of the driveway by clearing from the center to each edge of the driveway until you reach the top.