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Kenmore Elite Coffee makers

Official Kenmore Elite coffee maker parts

Kenmore Elite makes coffee makers that are efficient and dependable. Kenmore Elite coffee makers use simple designs and basic controls to deliver the coffee that you need. When your coffee maker isn't working, get the Kenmore Elite coffee maker parts you need to fix the problem at Sears PartsDirect.

Most common Kenmore Elite coffee maker parts that need replacing

  • Carafe. The glass carafe holds the brewed coffee.
  • Mesh filter. The mesh filter keeps coffee grounds out of the brewed coffee.
  • Heating plate element. The heating plate element keeps the brewed coffee warm after brewing.
  • Water reservoir heating element. The water reservoir heating element heats the water for brewing.
  • Carbon water filter. The carbon water filter traps impurities from the water entering the water reservoir.

How to fix your Kenmore Elite coffee maker when coffee won't stay hot after brewing

Unplug the coffee maker and check the wiring connections between the heating plate and the control switch. Reconnect any loose wires and repair any broken wires.

If the wiring is okay, you may need to replace the heating plate or the control switch.