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Broan Household fans

Official Broan household fan parts

Broan manufactures household fans that work well for many different applications in your home. You can just about always find the type of Broan household fan to fit your needs. When your Broan household fan makes noise or it isn't working, find the repair parts you need to fix the fan at Sears PartsDirect.

Common replacement parts for Broan household fans

  • Fan switch. The fan switch controls electrical current going to the fan motor and turns the fan and off as needed.
  • Fan motor. The fan motor spins the fan blade to circulate or exhaust air in your home.
  • Fan blade. The fan motor spins the fan blade to move air through your home for circulation or to exhaust air out of a space.
  • Power cord. The power cord supplies electrical current to the fan for operation.

Troubleshooting your Broan household fan when it won't turn on

  • Check the power cord. Make sure the fan power cord is plugged into a working outlet or connected to a an electrical circuit in your home that has power. Reconnect the power cord or shut off the house circuit breaker for the fan and reconnect loose supply wire. Repair any damaged power cord or power supply wiring.
  • If the fan's electrical outlet or power supply circuit doesn't have power, reset the house circuit breaker for the outlet or circuit. Have an electrician repair the outlet or circuit if resetting the house circuit breaker doesn't restore power to the fan.
  • If the fan is getting power through the power cord, you may need to replace the fan switch or fan motor.